by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Article, Biographic, Resources
Although this piece by Briallen Hopper (@briallenhopper) on @TheCut doesn’t mention relationship anarchy at all, it is a really well written and thoughtful piece about the way society values couples over friendships. As someone who has always put a ton of energy into...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
As a relationship anarchist, you are constantly bumping up against the status quo. Dr. Joni Meenagh (@JoniMeenagh) wrote this post for the Dangerous Women Project (@DangerousWomen_) about ways we might value relationship structures beyond the couple.Read Challenging...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
Franklin Veaux (@franklinveaux), author of More Than Two (@MTTbook) explores the difference between rules and boundaries, and how we can use direct communication to get our needs met without stepping on the needs of others. Read Polyamory without rules? Isn’t...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
A very good article by The Critical Polyamorist (@CriticalPoly), where she examines her relationship with nonmonogamy, how she has struggled against a couple-centric, rule bound society and how she works daily against her conditioned monogamy.
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
Belenen (@belenen) on why they identify as a relationship anarchist. How do we make space for growth in our relationships, and value them beyond the standard escalator model? They write about relationships being ‘continuously voluntary associations’ and commitments as...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Article, Biographic, Resources
Ghia Vitale (@GhiaWasHere) writes about her struggles using the word ‘friend’ to describe all of her relationships. Trying to live without hierarchies can result in erasure of important people in your life, as people still struggle to grasp new styles of...
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