by Kale Gossen | Jul 4, 2016 | Video
Hi, I’m Kale! Today I want to talk about coming out as a relationship anarchist or a non-monogamist. I know that I am in a very privileged position to be out so openly. I don’t think I could be much more out than to be on here making videos. I have been able to come...
by Kale Gossen | Apr 11, 2016 | Video
Full Transcript: Hi! I’m Kale. Today I’m going to talk about the labels we use in our relationships. Labels like boyfriend, husband, wife, or best friend. Why do we use labels? I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on why I use labels in my life. For...
by Kale Gossen | Apr 7, 2016 | Video
Full Transcript: Hi, I’m Kale! This is my second video. In my first video, I covered some forms of Nonmonogamy. Today I’m going to cover one of more complex forms, Polyamory. Polyamory is an umbrella term and it means a lot of different things to different...
by Kale Gossen | Apr 6, 2016 | Video
Full Transcript: Hi, my name is Kale. I created the website And I wanted to create some videos, to supplement the things we talk about on that site. This is my very first video, I hope you enjoy it. What I want to talk today is nonmonogamy....
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Resources
The author writes about his experience redefining romantic relationships & friends vs. lovers. He spent time touring with his band, and notice the close bonds that were formed. His friendships were allowed to evolve in an unlimited number of ways, and they also...
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