by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Resources
The author writes about his experience redefining romantic relationships & friends vs. lovers. He spent time touring with his band, and notice the close bonds that were formed. His friendships were allowed to evolve in an unlimited number of ways, and they also...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Article, Biographic, Resources
Written by Sadie Ryanne (@thedistantpanic) for The Scavenger (@thescavengermag). While she doesn’t use the term RA, this is an excellent article on non-normative relationships, and how infinite configurations are both possible and valid.Read Revolutionary Romance: A...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
What if we don’t need a ‘best friend’ or a ‘true love’? What if we had discussions with everyone in our life about our boundaries? @saulofhearts on @Medium applies principles of polyamory (and RA) to see how they can elevate all our relationships. Read What Polyamory...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Article, Resources
Stephanie Pappas in Scientific American (@sciam) discusses how research on the poly community is growing. Scientist are finding that compared to monogamous folks, poly people are better at communicating and self reflection, and practice safer sex. Best quote from the...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Blog
Possibly the shortest article written about Relationship Anarchy, written by Mike Sturnin (@mi_st).Read Relationship Anarchy, My Summary
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