by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Blog, Start Here
Originally posted in 2006 on a Swedish website. Written by Andie Nordgren (@nordgren), one of the first people to use the term relationship anarchy. This is a great starting point for someone just starting to look into RA. It has nine short paragraphs that cover the...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Blog, Start Here
The Thinking Asexual has a lot of good blog posts, and much of what is written about how asexuals experience relationships is relevant to RA, particularly in regards to not elevating one type of relationship above another. This blog post offers an overview, lots of...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Resources
The author writes about his experience redefining romantic relationships & friends vs. lovers. He spent time touring with his band, and notice the close bonds that were formed. His friendships were allowed to evolve in an unlimited number of ways, and they also...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
Jasna Todorovic (@JasnaTod) writes a short and lovely blog post about living authentically, and letting relationships grow without expectations.Read The Bigger Picture of Polyamory
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Blog
Is the most romantic thing you can say to a partner ‘I don’t need you’? This is a short post about dismantling the idea of That Special Someone, and keeping people in your life because you want them there, not because you need things from them.Read The Sweetest...
by Kale Gossen | Jan 2, 2016 | Biographic, Blog
Louisa Leontiades (@AskLouloria) looks at how the mainstream media equates polyamory with sex, and how that has impacted people’s perception of the word polyamory. The author explains this is one of her reasons adopting the term relationship anarchy.Read The Mass...
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